General Partitions Stainless Steel Toilet Partitions

ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 36
cameraFNumber (float): 8.05125
cameraFarClip (float): 1e+030
cameraFarRange (float): 1e+006
cameraFocalLength (float): 40.2563
cameraFov (float): 48.1822
cameraNearClip (float): 0
cameraNearRange (float): 0
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 6283.94
cameraTransform (m44f): [{1, 0, -0, -46.3683}, {0, -0.998064, -2.6077e-008, -6261.39}, {0, -0.0621974, -1, 816.228}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 2047, 1535]
displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 2047, 1535]
lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
name (string): ""
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0, 0]
screenWindowWidth (float): 1
type (string): "scanlineimage"
vrayInfo/camera (string): "PhysCamera001"
vrayInfo/computername (string): "desktop-tgaualp"
vrayInfo/cpu (string): "INTEL/QuadP3Xeon(MA)"
vrayInfo/date (string): "10/5/2016"
vrayInfo/filename (string): "Sadi 1.9.max"
vrayInfo/frame (string): "00000"
vrayInfo/h (string): "1536"
vrayInfo/mhz (string): "0MHz"
vrayInfo/numPasses (string): "0"
vrayInfo/numSubdivs (string): "0.00"
vrayInfo/os (string): "Win10"
vrayInfo/primitives (string): "840"
vrayInfo/ram (string): "8176MB"
vrayInfo/rendertime (string): " 0h  0m  4.8s"
vrayInfo/time (string): "2:50:44 PM"
vrayInfo/vmem (string): "134217728MB"
vrayInfo/vraycore (string): "3.25.01"
vrayInfo/vrayversion (string): "Internal V-Ray version Adv 3.40.01"
vrayInfo/w (string): "2048"

A (half)
B (half)
G (half)
R (half)
VRayDenoiser.B (half)
VRayDenoiser.G (half)
VRayDenoiser.R (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.B (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.G (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.R (half)
VRayLighting.B (half)
VRayLighting.G (half)
VRayLighting.R (half)
VRayOcclusion.B (half)
VRayOcclusion.G (half)
VRayOcclusion.R (half)
VRayReflection.B (half)
VRayReflection.G (half)
VRayReflection.R (half)
VRayWireColor.B (half)
VRayWireColor.G (half)
VRayWireColor.R (half)
atmosphere.ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 36
cameraFNumber (float): 8.05125
cameraFarClip (float): 1e+030
cameraFarRange (float): 1e+006
cameraFocalLength (float): 40.2563
cameraFov (float): 48.1822
cameraNearClip (float): 0
cameraNearRange (float): 0
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 6283.94
cameraTransform (m44f): [{1, 0, -0, -46.3683}, {0, -0.998064, -2.6077e-008, -6261.39}, {0, -0.0621974, -1, 816.228}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 2047, 1535]
displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 2047, 1535]
lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
name (string): ""
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0, 0]
screenWindowWidth (float): 1
type (string): "scanlineimage"
vrayInfo/camera (string): "PhysCamera001"
vrayInfo/computername (string): "desktop-tgaualp"
vrayInfo/cpu (string): "INTEL/QuadP3Xeon(MA)"
vrayInfo/date (string): "10/5/2016"
vrayInfo/filename (string): "Sadi 1.9.max"
vrayInfo/frame (string): "00000"
vrayInfo/h (string): "1536"
vrayInfo/mhz (string): "0MHz"
vrayInfo/numPasses (string): "0"
vrayInfo/numSubdivs (string): "0.00"
vrayInfo/os (string): "Win10"
vrayInfo/primitives (string): "840"
vrayInfo/ram (string): "8176MB"
vrayInfo/rendertime (string): " 0h  0m  4.8s"
vrayInfo/time (string): "2:50:44 PM"
vrayInfo/vmem (string): "134217728MB"
vrayInfo/vraycore (string): "3.25.01"
vrayInfo/vrayversion (string): "Internal V-Ray version Adv 3.40.01"
vrayInfo/w (string): "2048"

A (half)
B (half)
G (half)
R (half)
VRayDenoiser.B (half)
VRayDenoiser.G (half)
VRayDenoiser.R (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.B (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.G (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.R (half)
VRayLighting.B (half)
VRayLighting.G (half)
VRayLighting.R (half)
VRayOcclusion.B (half)
VRayOcclusion.G (half)
VRayOcclusion.R (half)
VRayReflection.B (half)
VRayReflection.G (half)
VRayReflection.R (half)
VRayWireColor.B (half)
VRayWireColor.G (half)
VRayWireColor.R (half)
Leather Grain
Diamond Texture

These color examples show an approximate representation of the colors, monitors vary, and actual color samples should be requested for absolute color fidelity. Images are meant for design purposes only and do not necessarily represent the hardware supplied for each particular material. View standard hardware for your material. Please contact us to request an actual color swatch for absolute color fidelity.


General’s exclusive use of stainless steel polished to a satin finish offers the ultimate in toilet partitions. The finish is protected in the manufacturing process and in shipping by a PVC film which is removed at the time of installation. Scratches can be removed, and the original beauty restored by buffing. It is also available with a deep textured surface or powder coated.

General’s metal panel skins are bonded under pressure to each cell of the sound deadening Ribcore with an adhesive that is impervious to moisture. General utilizes a tight ¾” cell size to ensure greater bond and rigidity to the toilet partitions.

All General Partitions exposed corners are reinforced with mechanically fused corner reinforcements. The reinforced corner doubles the strength of the corner while allowing simple field repairs if and when required. The corners also eliminate welding and grinding of the corners which removes some of the metal edge.

Once you have decided what you would like, please click on the button to the right to print out the worksheet.  Fill it out and email or fax it back to us and we will get a price quote for you.