These color examples show an approximate representation of the colors, monitors vary, and actual color samples should be requested for absolute color fidelity. Images are meant for design purposes only and do not necessarily represent the hardware supplied for each particular material. View standard hardware for your material. Please contact us to request an actual color swatch for absolute color fidelity.
High Pressure Laminates meet or exceed NEMA standards. Standard core is particleboard and not recommended for high moisture areas. For high moisture areas, Solid Phenolic Core or High Density Polymer should be used.
Generals’ High Pressure Plastic Laminate Toilet Partitions are available in hundreds of designs ranging from classic woodgrains to solid colors. Laminate is very economical with a highly durable plastic surface that will not rust or dent. Dirt, grease, and cosmetics will not penetrate surface.
Once you have decided what you would like, please click on the button to the right to print out the worksheet. Fill it out and email or fax it back to us and we will get a price quote for you.